Pirates Successful Grants Update
1. Community Building Partnership Program 2017
2. Stronger Community Programs 2017
As we start our New 2018-19 Season of Baseball in our 30th year, you may notice that Corbin has had some changes since last time you came down to the ground.....
The Quakers Hill Pirates Committee would love to thank all our volunteers that help make this happen which we think is a massive improvement to our facilities this year not only for the Baseball field but the wider community around Corbin reserve...
With a special mention to Mat Underhill from Underhill Constructions for coordinating and managing this process from start to finish. Mat is also one of our Sponsors and if you have any renovation or building needs he can be contacted on mat@underhillconstructions.com.au or 0414 430 336...
Also a special thanks to Lisa Underhill and Sam Fitzgerald our Treasurer and Secretary for all their hard work, support before, during and now after. Legends!
Lets not forget our dedicated grounds crew led by Jacko with their complete dedication to ensure all holes are filled and the new concrete and seating is completed....
Also a massive thanks to Michelle Rowland and Kevin Connolly for their support of the Quakers Hill Pirates and the Grants that we received to help fund these major improvements.
These include;
5 x Scorers Tables - D1 - D2 - D3 - D5 - D6
2 x Large Tables and chairs - Canteen Area
10 x 4M Bench Seats - D1 - D3 - D5 - D6
5 x Double Bench shelters - Outskirts of Corbin D3 - D5 - D6
2 x 2M 4 Tier Seating Stands - D1 - D2
Enjoy the Pictures below....