Coach's Responsibilities
The coach's responsibilities are:-
- To have a minimum level '0' certificate. If (s)he does not have one, then the club will arrange and pay for the coach to take part in a coaching course and to sit for the level '0' or higher certificate.
- Attend any and all instructional classes run by the Club.
- Shall dress in a way that reflects the position in the team and the Club.
- Instruct the team in all facets of the game.
- Train the team for a minimum of 1 hour per week.
- Before each game the coach will facilitate a run and a warm up session.
- The coach controls the team during the game. (S)he will encourage the players at all times. Negative comments are not permitted (see code of conduct).
- Determine the batting line up and will give a copy of that line up to the scorer 15 minutes before the game starts.
- The coach will at the end of the season return the kit to the equipment officer at the time and place nominated by the equipment officer.
- Choose team members who at the end of the season are to be presented with trophies and other awards as requested by the committee.
- A team report for the season has to be completed and be presented at the presentation day. Please liaise with the manager and include gripes, player standard and recommendations.